10 ways to make staff in organization more creative and innovative.

* Create an open environment where all employees can meet up and share their knowledge, skills and experience during working or non working hours such as having an open system cafeteria in the company. Company can also initiate an open office systems with less cubicle or closed office type because people are more exposed to each others and have ample time to interact to each other more frequently. Allow people to go through with their ideas without going through much of the bureaucratic levels or phases in organization. This wills enhance speed of creative ideas generation and flow in the organization. For example put up a quality ideas box where employee and put suggestion in the box or the company to review it.
* Company must be generous to provide a budget for training and development in the area of creativity development such as sending employees to external training classes related to this area. Employee must be given freedom to choose their preference course titles and write their progress before and after go for the training and what they can contribute to the company.
* Organization must recognized creative ideas and talents and must reward their contributions to the company whether it is in the shape of financial gifts, moral support or public recognition. This will shows that organization is impressed with their employee success and values their contribution to the company in term of innovation, cost saving or other improvement area that is important to every party involved. Sometimes a big thank you appreciation, small tokens such as pen or a informational employee recognition poster on white boards from the top management is enough to satisfy the employees because they knew their work done is not a waste because company already recognized it.
* Free flow of information and knowledge is encourage in the organization to ensure the creative ideas are passed down, shared and analyzed to ensure its feasibility for execution in the organization. Sometimes there are creative people who are introvert or not able to express their ideas through words confidently and persuasively. Be patient with this kind of person and allocate ample time for them to develop their communication skills and on the same time during meeting give them opportunities to talk and expressing their ideas.
* Create a diverse and multi-disciplined team. Nowadays organization began to use more and more multi function teams to solve complex problems that plagued the organization. Multi functional teams consisted of experts from different background such as marketing, engineering, human resources, business, production and logistic who will come together and share their experience and knowledge from different perspective. It is important because problems are viewed in wider angle and team members can understand the market better. For example a team in designing a car can cooperate with marketing people understanding market preference; engineering people discuss on feasibility or design for manufacturing and production or its capability to produce. This will be important because if only engineers opinion are used, may be the car produced its not a taste for the market and if only marketing ideas are taken maybe the car is hard to produced because ideas from marketing people cannot be translated into engineering capabilities. Include also diversity in teams such as different races and cultures.
* Create a more loose working structure to let the employees freedom such as non uniforms requirement, flexible working hours, more relax office styles with small resting area, no language barrier, and of course less rules. These relax and flexibilities can help to ensure the people in organization are not stress by rigid and formal working environments thus enabling them to contribute for efficiently. For example in flexible hours, some people may work better after lunch while some from morning. So to utilize their best advantage working hours, employees can perform better in the organization.
* Not surprising money is one of the main motivators people work in the organization. If there is a budget to compensate for employees for providing creative ideas or works, employees will be motivated and perform even better in the future. The budget will depends on the organization financial status and organization must set a clear guideline how the money is going to be pay to deter any confusion among employees. It is better if the incentive or compensation system is based on team’s performance because it will discourage employees to seek for personal achievement, glory and attention.
* Provide a constructive clear feedback to employees’ ideas contribution whether it is a successful type or a failure. For those who fail give them a channel to improve themselves and contribute for the second time.
* Ready to recruit potential candidates from external to give new ideas as current employees are ease with their current situations and mentality is not agile to receive new things from outside the organization. This will also create a healthy competition among employees in the organization to bring out the best in them.
* Organization can give a sabbatical leave to employees as long leaves abroad can helps employee to think something new from their new sight, experience and findings at the new place.

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